jesus. #4 What does love mean to you?

well, this is probably a terrible time to try and tackle this one. Just 8 hours ago i was shopping for twix bars at the bodega underneath my apt after a night at otto’s shrunken i am getting the early symptoms of a substantial hangover. so here i am, sitting in my office, in the dark, with snow falling outside, and johnny cash on the airwaves and i feel compelled to continue this quest of completing these 30 topics before a pal of mine does. but why did today have to be the cliched “what does love mean to you?” im not going to over think this one though. it probably means the same thing to me as it does to almost everyone else. its the feeling involved with the things that you associate with happiness. doesn’t matter if its a story your mom used to tell you, or a dessert you shared at some special restaurant you went to with a person you likely associate or associated with goodness. its your favorite team, pet, smell, whatever. it’s the subject of 99% of every tune ever written. if it didn’t exist, it would certainly leave a void for me, so thank you love for being here, and thank you Johnny for describing it far more eloquently than I. Image