never say never.

although sean connery can fairly say he should have said “never” when they asked him to come back as a grampa bond in never say never again.  no offense. my reason for the cliche is far less glamorous, but 100% responsible for the words i am typing. when i first heard the word blog i was insistent that it was an act of narcissistic egoism to the nerdiest degree, but shortly after i knew that wasn’t the case. However, being the stubborn person i am, i refused to give in to one of my sacred vows. This won’t be the first time that’s happened (see: Will Never Date a Girl That Owns Uggs). The inspiration to finally give in (coincidentally the same week as I broke my streak of avoiding Woody Allen movies at all costs, which while on this tangent I knew was a big mistake when that decision was made) came from my roommate/girlfriend who i like to think of as a casual occasional blogger. She like me, broke a promise. Hers was to write about 30 different topics on the first 30 days in the new year to upgrade her occasional bouts of word wisdom to frequent bombs of insightful knowledge dropping.  Didn’t happen. Overall that is not a big deal, but i thought it was a cool idea, so i am stealing it in hopes of getting her butt in gear, but possibly just because i want the excuse to be a narcissistic nerd. Here’s Q1: What famous or fictional person/character did you admire as a child? There is no way I’ll accomplish this in 30 days, but here is my short and sweet answer to numero uno: Like all things in life, this post will come full circle, and I will say that Sean Connery/James Bond were important factual/fictional icons of my youth. Being that Sean and my mom grew up in the same town, and that everything he did as James Bond was a dream for me, i felt a close connection to the 007 of days gone by.  James Bond could be inappropriate and people didn’t really bitch about it so much. Maybe they would’ve if the internet existed, but it didn’t, and because of that i got to cherish Mr. Connery living his style with a far less PC approach than what we see in the modern Bond.

